Development snapshots

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ℹ️  This page only lists downloads for the Arx Libertatis game binary and tools and their source code. You will also need the data files from the original Arx Fatalis or its demo - see Getting the game data.

This page lists download links for untested development builds of Arx Libertatis that may have known issues as well as yet unknown regressions. Use at your own risk and please report any bugs you find.
For release versions, see the main download page.

Latest Arx Libertatis Development Snapshot

The latest development snapshot version is Arx Libertatis 1.3-dev-2023-06-24.

To keep up with new development snapshots, you can subscribe to this RSS feed:

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First, install the original game from either the, Steam, the Microsoft Store or the Bethesda Store or a CD.

If you installed Arx Fatalis from CD, you need to apply the 1.21 patch. If you installed the game from Steam, GOG or the Bethesda launcher, the 1.22 patch is already included when you download the game and you don't need to manually apply it.

Then, use the Arx Libertatis installer below:

Portable Binaries

Alternatively, there is also a portable .zip version:

Windows XP

Arx Libertatis portable binaries require the Windows UCRT libraries to be installed. For newer versions of Windows this is done through Windows updates, but for Windows XP the UCRT needs to be installed manually as part of the Visual Studio runtime:


ℹ️  Please see Installing the game data under Linux regarding where and how to install the game data.
Alternatively, configure Steam to use Arx Libertatis to play Arx Fatalis.

We provide portable binaries for the development snapshots that should run on any non-ancient x86 or amd64 Linux distribution.

Development snapshots are also packaged for a number of Linux distributions:

Arch icon.png Arch Linux

This article is about development snapshots. For release packages, see Linux packages.

Development snapshots are not packaged for Arch Linux - instead users can build the latest git revision using the arx-libertatis-git package. You can install it using one of the AUR Helpers, for example pacaur:

$ yay -S arx-libertatis-git

Debian icon.png Debian

This article is about development snapshots. For release packages, see Linux packages.

Arx Libertatis development snapshots for Debian Unstable (sid), Testing (bullseye), 10 (buster), 9 (stretch) and 8 (jessie) are available in the project on the openSUSE build service. You can add the repository by appending

deb ./

to your `/etc/apt/sources.lst`. To download packages from the repository you will need to install it's gpg key:

$ wget
# apt-key add - < Release.key 

Replace Debian_Testing with Debian_Unstable, Debian_10, Debian_9.0 or Debian_8.0 in both cases depending on your Debian version.

Then update the package list and install the arx-libertatis package:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install arx-libertatis

Fedora icon.png Fedora

This article is about development snapshots. For release packages, see Linux packages.

Arx Libertatis development snapshots for Fedora 36 to 40 and Rawhide are available in the home:dscharrer:snapshots project on the openSUSE build service. You can add the repository for Fedora Rawhide using:

# dnf config-manager --add-repo

Replace Fedora_Rawhide with Fedora_36, Fedora_37, Fedora_38, Fedora_39 or Fedora_40 depending on your Fedora version.

Now you can install the arx-libertatis package using dnf:

# dnf install arx-libertatis

Gentoo icon.png Gentoo Linux

This article is about development snapshots. For release packages, see Linux packages.

Development snapshots are packaged for Gentoo as a live ebuild is available in the arx-libertatis overlay, but you need to unmask it before it can be installed.

# emerge --noreplace app-eselect/eselect-repository
# eselect repository enable arx-libertatis
# echo '=games-rpg/arx-libertatis-9999 **' >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
# emerge games-rpg/arx-libertatis

OpenSUSE icon.png openSUSE

This article is about development snapshots. For release packages, see Linux packages.

Arx Libertatis development snapshots for openSUSE are available in the home:dscharrer:snapshots project on the openSUSE build service as a 1-click install:

Ubuntu icon.png Ubuntu

This article is about development snapshots. For release packages, see Linux packages.

Arx Libertatis development snapshots for Ubuntu are available in the arx/snapshot PPA. To use it, first fetch it's key and add the PPA to your package sources:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:arx/snapshot
$ sudo apt-get update

Then install the package:

$ sudo apt-get install arx-libertatis

For a GUI-only solution, follow this tutorial - the repository address to use is ppa:arx/snapshot.


Currently no macOS binary is made available.

However there is a Homebrew formula for arx-libertatis which includes HEAD support. To install the development version of Arx Libertatis using Homebrew, run:

brew install --HEAD arx-libertatis


FreeBSD binaries are currently not available. Build from source or download the last snapshot with FreeBSD binaries.

Source Code

The Arx Libertatis repository on GitHub contains the latest development code. Read-only access is available through the following URL:


You can also download snapshots of the repository over http:

The source code snapshot used for the development binaries linked on this page can be downloaded here:

Also see the operating system-specific instructions for compiling on Windows, Linux / FreeBSD and macOS.

Older snapshots

Older snapshots and debug symbols are archived here.