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Cetrius rune (poison)

This page list information about the Cetrius rune, which means "poison".

Spells using this rune

Page Name Runes
5 Cure effects of poison Nhi Rune (remove)Cetrius Rune (poison) Nhi Cetrius
5 Poison projection Aam Rune (create)Cetrius Rune (poison)Taar Rune (missile) Aam Cetrius Taar

The rune is pronunced as "chatrius" with a "ch" sound like in the english word "chat" because it's based on an italian word. See below.

Rune name meaning

Quote from Rafaël Colantonio:

Citrius rune (Poison) comes from the italian word cetriolo (cucumber) because I hate the taste of cucumber and I thought that would be a good one for poison in Arx[1]
