Installing the game data under Linux

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Once you have acquired the game data, you will have to put it in a location searched by arx.

Install locations

Arx Libertatis will look for your data files in multiple directories according to the XDG Base Directory Specification - usually /usr/share/games/arx and /usr/local/share/games/arx.

Alternatively, you may put the data files in the user directory, usually ~/.local/share/arx

The exact locations depend on the XDG environment variables and may be adjusted when compiling arx - see Data directories.

You can also put the data into any directory you want and then run the game from there.

Extracting the data


Like on windows, the game data can be extracted by installing the game normally under wine. If you choose this option, be sure to apply the 1.21 patch and then rename all files to lowercase. Also verify that you have all the required data files.

However, Wine is a big dependency just to extract the game data and cannot always be used. Because of that, we provide scripts to extract the game data under linux without wine.

Install scripts

There are three different scripts that need to be used depending depending on where you got arx, all located in the scripts directory of the Arx Libertatis source code.

Original CD

For an Arx Fatalis CD, you need to use the install-cd script, which requires the cabextract, innoextract and md5sum programs.

If you compiled innoextract yourself, you will need to make sure the script finds it by adding the containing directory to your PATH environment variable:

$ export PATH="/path/to/directory/containing/innoextract/:$PATH"

Replace the path with where your innoextract binary is and remember that this will only affect the current shell session.

Fist download the 1.21 patch:

$ wget

IMPORTANT: install-cd can use the MULTILANG patch only for english and german game data. For other localization you will need to download the correct version of the patch and use that instead. Please update Required data files and checksums with the checksums for your language, so that it can be included in future versions of the script.

Now download the install-cd script (and required data files) and make it executable:

$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ chmod +x install-cd

You only need the "data-*.md5" file for your language, all other .md5 files can be skipped.

To run the script, you will need either fuseiso, isoinfo from cdrkit / cdrtools, give the script root access, or mount/extract the CD/.iso manually.

In case you mounted/extracted the CD / .iso manually, run the script as

$ ./install-cd path/to/mount/point/ ArxFatalis_1.21_MULTILANG.exe arx-data

Otherwise, if you have a physical CD, run

$ ./install-cd /dev/cdrom ArxFatalis_1.21_MULTILANG.exe arx-data

For an .iso file run

$ ./install-cd path/to/arx.iso ArxFatalis_1.21_MULTILANG.exe arx-data

In either case, replace arx-data with the directory where you want to extract the data to (will be created if it doesn't exist).

The script will verify the output files at the and print "Checksum matched." at the end on success. If everything went well, remove any files that aren't needed anymore:

$ rm ArxFatalis_1.21_MULTILANG.exe data-en.md5 data-de.md5 install-cd setup

For the setup file downloaded from, you need to use the install-gog script, which requires innoextract program.

If you compiled innoextract yourself, you will need to make sure the script finds it by adding the containing directory to your PATH environment variable:

$ export PATH="/path/to/directory/containing/innoextract/:$PATH"

Replace the path with where your innoextract binary is and remember that this will only affect the current shell session.

First, download the install-gog script (and required data files) and make it executable:

$ wget
$ wget
$ chmod +x install-gog

Then run it as

$ ./install-gog path/to/setup_arx_fatalis.exe arx-data

Replace path/to/setup_arx_fatalis.exe with the path to the setup file you downloaded from and arx-data with the directory where you want to extract the data to (will be created if it doesn't exist).

If you have the md5sum program installed, the script will verify the input and output files at the and print "Checksum matched." at the end on success. If everything went well, remove any files that aren't needed anymore:

$ rm data-en.md5 install-gog


To extract the Arx Fatalis demo, you need to use the install-demo script, which requires the cabextract program and bsdtar from libarchive or unzip.

First, download the install-demo script (and required data files) and make it executable:

$ wget
$ wget
$ chmod +x install-demo

Then, run the script as

$ ./install-demo path/to/ arx-demo

Replace path/to/ with the path to the demo archive and arx-demo with the directory where you want to extract the demo data to (will be created if it doesn't exist).

If you have the md5sum program installed, the script will verify the output files at the and print "Checksum matched." at the end on success. If everything went well, remove any files that aren't needed anymore:

$ rm data-demo.md5 install-demo