Getting the game data

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Full Game

Installing from a CD

Just install the game normally using either Windows or Wine and then apply the 1.21 patch.

Because there is no extractor for the patch setup file, we cannot provide an automated install script yet.

Buying a new copy on-line

The windows version of Arx Fatalis is available at various download-only stores:

Just like with the cd install, do a normal windows (or wine) install and then copy the data (or run directly in the install directory). However, the download-only versions should already include the latest patch.

Required files

The project is in need of checksums for the various versions of the data.

If you have a version not listed or you'd like to verify that you have the required files, please see Required data files and checksums.


Download or (md5sum: 3c59a5799e1237b1b181c96e8c09155a)

The following sites work without a login and don't wrap the .zip file in an annoying .exe at the time of this writing.

You can either install the demo using windows or wine or use cabextract to extract the data files.

There is a helper script in the scripts directory of the Arx Libertatis source code:

scripts/install-demo <zipfile> bin/

Manually extracting the data

This is more of interest to package maintainers, for most people the install-demo script should be enough.

First, extract the .zip file:

mkdir demo && cd demo && unzip ../

Now extract the three .cab files

cd demo

If data is your destination directory, create a data/misc directory and copy the following files:

  • demo/bin/Arx.ttf to data/misc/arx.ttf
  • demo/bin/data2.pak to data/data2.pak
  • demo/bin/LOC.pak to data/loc.pak
  • demo/bin/Logo.bmp to data/misc/logo.bmp
  • demo/data.pak to data/data.pak
  • demo/SFX.pak to data/sfx.pak
  • demo/SPEECH.pak to data/speech.pak

Note: Manually renaming the files to lowercase is not strictly necessary as the game will try to do so on the first run.

You should end up with the following files / md5 checksums (cd data && find * -type f | sort | xargs md5sum):

958b78f8f370b06d769843137138c461  data2.pak
5d7ba6e6c79ebf7fbb232eaced9e8ad9  data.pak
2ae16d3925c597dca70f960f175def3a  loc.pak
9a95ff96795c034524ba1c2e94ea12c7  misc/arx.ttf
aa3dfbd4bc9c863d10a0c5345ae5a4c9  misc/logo.bmp
ea1b3e6d6f4906905d4a34f07e9a59ac  sfx.pak
62ca7b1751c0615ee131a94f0856b389  speech.pak

You can verify this by saving the above list as md5sum.txt and the running `md5sum --check md5sum.txt`