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The ScriptCommandPage script command is used to.



Context: Ignored


Template for script command pages


  • description (required) - short description of what the command is used for
  • context (optional) - type of entity that is required for this command - any, item, npc, camera, prop, self or none
  • special (optional) - special invocations in the format -f[lags] parameters... or keyword parameters..., one per line
  • default (optional) - set to false to disable the default invocation
  • flags (optional) - flags accepted by this command in the format f Description, one per line.
    The space after the flag character can be replaced with ? to exclude the flag from the default invocation or with ! to indicate that one of the marked flags is required for the default invocation. The first flag of each special invocation is always excluded from the default invocation.
  • parameters (optional) - parameters accepted by this command in the format name type Description
    name can be prefixed with f? to make the parameter dependent on flag -f.
    type can be suffixed with * to indicate that the parameter will automatically be dereferenced if it looks like a variable and with any additional non-space text starting with a non-alpha character to provide additional type info.
  • obsolete (optional) - set to true to mark the command as obsolete and unimplemented. No description or context should be provided in this case
  • intro (optional) - additional text to insert before the usage section